Hotel Château Belá, s.r.o.
Belá 1, 94353 Belá (Štúrovo)
Slovak Republic
Experience the world as it should be. Enjoy a carefree afternoon with a picnic basket full of delicious food.
Seasonal specialties, fresh fruit, and fragrant cakes. Only your presence is missing from the picnic sitting. Choose from variations of the picnic basket and book it for your romantic moments.
Picnic basket for 2 persons | Mineral water and a nonalcoholic drink Fruits Cakes Tasty sandwiches | 35 € |
Deluxe picnic basket for 2 persons | Mineral water and a nonalcoholic drink Fruits Cakes Tasty sandwiches Plate of traditional Slovak cheese and ham Pastries | 55 € |
Bottle of wine for 2 people on request at a special discounted price. Our picnic basket is available for hotel and external guests. Please book our picnic basket in advance, as we have a limited quantity available.
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Book a picnic basket
Reserve a picnic basket of your choice. If you are also interested in booking accommodation, you can book it by phone or online.